N头条>英语词典>council of war翻译和用法

council of war

英 [ˌkaʊnsl əv ˈwɔː(r)]

美 [ˌkaʊnsl əv ˈwɔːr]

n.  (为处理紧急和困难局势而召开的)紧急会议




    • (为处理紧急和困难局势而召开的)紧急会议
      a meeting to discuss how to deal with an urgent and difficult situation


      • (为处理危险或紧急情况而召开的)紧急会议
        Acouncil of waris a meeting that is held in order to decide how a particular threat or emergency should be dealt with.


        • This thesis use history materials of Zhejiang temporary council proceedings to research historical evolution, organization form, features and effects of popular will institution in war time.
        • I propose that we hold a Council of war to discuss this.
        • But as Security Council members weigh their response, they should bear in mind that the west played its part in creating the crisis, with a policy so one-sided it smacked of the cold war.
        • Gul'dan transformed other council members as well, creating unholy warriors who sowed chaos and fear throughout the land of Azeroth during the Second War.
        • The council's balance of power still largely reflects the state of the world following World War II.
        • The Security Council expressed deep concern about the escalation of violence and the risk of a return to civil war in Ivory Coast.
        • The writer is president of the Council on Foreign Relations and author of War of Necessity, War of Choice: A Memoir of Two Iraq Wars.
        • The council of war was only just over when Prince Andrey, accompanied by Boris, went into the palace in search of Prince Dolgorukov.
        • Every one at headquarters was still under the spell of the victory gained that day by the younger party at the council of war.
        • Only two days after the fall of the Paris Commune, Marx read out to the General Council of the First International his famous work The Civil War in France.